All trigger warnings for this chapter can be viewed by clicking here.

Vote for Roomie over on TopWebcomics. Someday I’ll have a new incentive. Someday.

Leave questions for the characters in the comment section and see them answered on Patreon.

Oh shoot he shot


So the 12+ hour stream turned into a 13 hour stream and overall it was a success! I drew almost two full pages, had 10 viewers total at one point, and made a friend with another Twitch comic artist by raiding him when the night was over. A lot of my regulars managed to tune in at one point or another and even a new person who found me through the music website (You see why I use that site? All part of my evil plan). I’m quite confident the 24 hour stream will go well, at least on my end. Possible hiccups include my nap breaks going longer than planned and my internet usually being spotty from 7pm to 2am, but eh. My issue with GIMP crashing every few hours has been fixed, so we have that!

Of course I like to dream that the Kickstarter will hit like 5000% it’s goal and hundreds of people will stumble upon my stream and tune in, but even if none of that happens, I’ll still have fun and Cursed Issue 1 will be printed no matter what. I don’t really even need the Kickstarter, it’s just for funsies to debut the series. The remaining 9 books will be quieter preorder events, but I may do a 24 hour stream each time just cuz. Provided the first one doesn’t kill me lol.

Speaking of Kickstarter I have a voiceover to go record. Wish me luck :O