I was trying to predict what kinds of questions the readers would have about the current situation. Unsurprisingly, I wasn't correct at all and nobody thought about this xD

Discussion (5) ¬

  1. Bob

    Interesting. In #380 Luke says it is odd that a human is able to use a spirit’s powers. Logically Luke could have never tried to tap into Samur’s powers given that he has none (outside of wings and stuff). But Mikayla was confused too.

    Not that a spirit could tap into a human’s powers what with them having no powers. But it seems like they cannot effortlessly tap into the human’s knowledge. What with Yanshuf letting her host do the kung fu fighting, and that one Q&A where the spirits said they don’t understand tech.

    So my takeaway is that humans and spirits cannot effortlessly transfer 100% knowledge/power between the two simultaneously. One has to be in charge, or mostly in charge, and tap into the other’s knowledge/powers to a limited extent.
    If this were an anime the sync rates would be a letter grade (C-tier, S-tier) and they power level up for higher sync rates against stronger enemies.
    “Nani…His sync rate…its off the Charts!!!”
    “Why does your chart not go to 100? Idiot.”

    Is the unasked question if a host can overpower and trap their spirit? A reverse possession. I’m not trapped in here with you, you are trapped in here with me!

  2. bcb

    Did the door ward not affect him?

  3. Peya Luna
    Peya Luna

    uh-oh…..something tells me that yanshuf is also affected by this mess

  4. Alive?

    It would be pretty bad if demons (or angels) could exorcise the actual human host from their own body!

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