That explains a lot

Discussion (5) ¬

  1. Bob

    That got dark fast.
    I think this is the first time we have seen demons do hardcore evil stuff. Orev verbally said demons do bad stuff, the arson was just a one panel flashback, and the Tapas pages were deliberately toned down by Orev.

    That demon had a good plan for generating negative emotions but I assume they didn’t know that their target’s host was also possessed.
    Granted this is ye olden times in ye oldy USA so the demon probably didn’t know that their (presumably) female target had a (presumably) female lover.
    I assume that tormenting one person repeatedly but lightly would have a bigger long term payoff feeding wise, but going for short term and more extreme pain and then just getting a new target is pretty evil and short sighted so it works well for demons. Like the difference between letting a horse rest vs working it to death and then just buying a new one.

    I assume one spirit can’t eat emotions from a human that is possessed. Has it been stated that demons only eat negative emotions but angels only eat positive emotions or did I Mandala myself into that?

    The other big news is that the comics is ending. NOOOO! Was not expecting that. But I do appreciate a comic having a dedicated ending that can be worked towards.
    I always love the Sluggy Freelancer guy. ‘Yea my legit epic story has been going on for a while. Time to wrap up all my threads and end this.’ And start to end it he did. Granted its been over 10 years but whatever.

    And now for a complement that sounds like an insult but ain’t. Roommate is really good and will be hard to top.

  2. bcb

    I’ll be sad to see this comic end but I’ll be excited to read y’all’s future comics.

  3. Peya Luna
    Peya Luna

    so….if i interpret the pictures right, some demon crated an illusion of her having hanged herself which drove her lover to suicide?

    • HKMaly

      I think the lover is the one hanging.

      Ending this comics? It barely started!

      • Micah

        Yeah but my future work will be way better I promise! And I only have so much spare time to work on comics right now

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