178: No really, humans get people who tell them what different animals are- when I was born, I just had to figure it out by myself
Please take a minute to vote for Roomie over on TopWebcomics, where you can now view the storyboards I drew as the first draft of Chapter 3!
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Speaking of dogs I met a very good dog the other day. He’s like 100lbs but thought he was a lap dog and would lay on people and it was great.
(yes that’s my ugly face in the photo don’t panic)
Finally, someone reminded Mary that real life isnt an anime! Btw Micah you look rly cute. And the dog. Who could forget that beautiful dog your holding!
PFt thanks.
That dog tho omg his name is Lars and he’s the best ever.
The dog looks like a grizzly bear from that angle.
Secret foreshadowing for chapter 4