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I survived my conversation with the Avenue A editor on Wednesday :D They want to sign me on for a ~130 page comic, which is thankfully shorter than I was expecting, and sounds super exciting. They particularly were drawn to my detailed backgrounds and environments, which would serve that story well. I was definitely getting Gravity Falls vibes from the description of the story (something that also puts a lot of emphasis on a unique and detailed environment). They also said they would be open to just grayscale or limited color scheme, since I haven’t done much in full color, but I do want to try that anyway. I’m gonna get some character and environment designs to them later so we’ll figure it out from there.

So… 130 pages over the course of a year and possibly in full color… I know I can manage that, but can I manage it without putting roomie on hiatus? Well, not a full hiatus I’m sure. Roomie was written at a rate of about 120 pages with two month-long hiatuses while I was a full time student. Assuming this gig takes as much of my time as full time school- well, there you go, no real change.

But then then there’s the fact that I’ve started Cursed… Issue 1 will be out and printed before I start on this gig, but there’s 9 books planned after that X’D And I don’t want them to take 5ever. So… I might put roomie on a reduced schedule for the sake of that. I’ve been waiting since high school to write Cursed, it’s about time I get the stupid thing finished.

Thoughts? A reduced schedule would probably see updates on Monday and Friday only. Would you want to see anything on Wednesdays- say, WIPs of Cursed? Or just leave it empty? Alternately I can post that stuff publicly on Patreon to keep this site clean, but people who really care can go check it out on there.

ALSO if technology cooperates, I’m streaming tonight, now on Twitch!  Gonna have to figure out a new widget for the left sidebar on here. Don’t let me forget about that.