Update: Donation Bar

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So you may have noticed this new thing on the right sidebar that looks like a thermometer thing with some numbers and a Paypal Donate button underneath? (Note: Remind me to do a custom drawing for that donate button later)

Whats up with that?

Well, you see, I am a college student, and college students are poor. I could get a job, but then I wouldn’t have time to do this webcomic. I could, like many other webcomic creators, make a Patreon account, but I simply don’t have time to set up incentives and milestones and do all of that extra stuff. So I came up with a compromise.

Donation bar bonus pages! Wait, what does that mean? Basically, every time the bar is filled, a new page is posted the next day (or two). So if you really want to find out what happens next, you can pay your poor starving artist to make more pages. The comic will still update twice a week like normal, but anything after that requires the donation bar to be filled.

It is to be noted that the exact price required to fill the bar will vary. Sometimes, when I have plenty of free time, it will be as low $30, while other times it can shoot up as high as $100 because I simply wont have enough time to draw bonus pages anyway (finals week anyone?). The lowest it will ever go is $25, though, because thats how much I would make per page if I paid myself minimum wage. Price changes will occur each time the bar gets filled, I won’t change the price in the middle of filling the bar.

The donation bar itself needs to be updated manually because reasons. So if you donate you wont see the results right away. But I’ll do my best to keep it up to date.

New Headers

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I added a few new headers to the site! They’re a little spoilerific but I don’t care because I’ve been working really hard on the plot and just really wanted to draw these guys okay?!?!

You’ll get to meet some of them in about two chapters. Or earlier if I can figure out a way to work it into the next storyline but I need to do some stuff with sticky notes before that happens.

Writing is hard.

Also I’ve been working on this a lot I think you should look at it.

103: Why did my computer just call my name?!?

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pun pun pun pun pun


So I was reading some older pages of this comic and realized:

1. What the heck am I doing with my life this comic is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read

2. I still haven’t figured out the whole plot and here I was trying to foreshadow stuff I didn’t even know

On the bright side I’d say I’m about 40% closer to having a real plot than I was at around page 40.


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Shae original Shae pg85 Shae 95

Name: Shae Meyers
Age: 16
Description: “More responsible or at least feels the need to be more responsible than her brother, making her a bit more meddlesome. Yet, she too can have her own bursts of zeal. Shae has the air of acting like she wishes to distance herself from her brother, but the two are actually quite close.”

Savannah original Savannah chpt4 Savannah 78

Name: Savannah Smith
Age: 5 (looks 18)
Description: “A character who has yet to have all her secrets revealed and has no intention of revealing too much. Suspicious by nature, but her alluded background seems to justify that. At this juncture, treats the other characters with an air of indifference, if not just a little irritation.

Zane original Zane 77 Zane 90

Name: Zane Meyers
Age: 16
Description: “High energy and eager. Possessing an inquisitive nature that pulls him into numerous escapades, most likely fueled by his love of video games. However, his overall good nature always keeps the mood light.”

J original J 30 again J 30
Name: J Foster
Age: 15
Description: “Possessing a calm, level headed exterior and a warm welcoming personality. However, if this is false, he has yet to say otherwise. One of the more perceptive characters of the group.”

Marian talkto Marian original marian 49
Name: Marian Smith
Age: 11 (looks 16-ish)
Description: “Blessed with a love for her job which she handles with gusto. Fond of new knowledge which she prefers to acquire by her own… er… hands? She treats analysis more like a hobby and has a generally more perky personality compared to that of Savannah.”

(Will split up major and minor characters, and add a few more, later)

Special thanks to Micky for her perfectly worded descriptions (there’s a reason I write comics and not books).