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This bodes well, I think.




So our screen tablet just up and died, I accidentally tapped the power button and it just DIDN’T TURN BACK ON. Well I left it to rest overnight because sometimes that just works for reasons I don’t understand, and it eventually DID turn back on but the pen wouldn’t work anymore. I had already been thinking of upgrading from Huion to Wacom because the pen tilt and pressure was supposedly smoother and more sophisticated and so I found a good deal on ebay for a gently used Cintiq for 30% the retail price and spring for it.

So far it’s working great (though it’s way bigger than I was expected and is kinda throwing off the vibe of our desk setup). But GIMP wouldn’t work with it anymore, something about the brush engine just throws a fit with Cintiqs because they’re TOO sophisticated. Well luckily we had recently bought a license for CSP while it was on sale, what great timing honestly. So now we’re drawing comics in CSP like a real professional lol.

But we’ve also been thinking of upgrading our computer so hopefully I can figure out how to switch it to a new device, I hate DRM…