221: Luke says it isn’t good to advertise that angels exist over Twitter
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Fun fact, so Adriel is a bit like what Luke was SUPPOSED to be when I designed him (suave and flirty and etc). Honestly he’s not even the first character I’ve had that happen to. This is basically my life:
While brainstorming: “This character is so great and cool and everyone is gonna like him cuz he’s got so much charisma and always has his life together”
Bob you’re hilarious. How did you find this webcomic and why aren’t you writing your own? (Or are you?)
I found this webcomic because I read Operation: Reboot, and I don’t remember how I found that one.
I was always told that if I put in the hard work I could do anything, like writing webcomics. And hard work is hard so I don’t publish anything I “write”.
I have written tv shows, a super smasb bros anime, board games, and a ton of video games; but I never do anything other than work on them in word docs as I spend most of my time working on my engineering degree / general working.
Luke: Worst wing man ever
Samur: Winged man, and I am awesome.
one would think samur would want his human to develop an interest in someone who´s not the host of a hellspawn…..also, i love luke´s face in third panel, its how i looked at the end of the last strip.
Samur would have pointed it out, but he didn’t want to distract Luke from the interview :3
PFFffffffffffffffffffFFT yea, Samur would never, ever want to distract Luke. Only a total butt face would do that. A real jerkass.
Yup, and Samur would neevvveer want to be a butt face