207: Maybe he doesn’t realize he’s being manipulated
Vote for Roomie over on TopWebcomics, where you can view the storyboards for Chapter 3!
Leave questions for the characters in the comment section and see them answered on Patreon!
More fun joke comics and QAs up on Patreon! They’re public to anyone, so you should check it out~
Also tribute photo to my cat Smudge, who we put to sleep on Wednesday. He was a good cat who still had a few more years in him if it weren’t for a bad tumor in his chest :( He went out peacefully with his head resting on my leg.
You were a good boy, I’ll miss you <3
Got a new kitten soon after though because our remaining cat is super sociable and would be really lonely on her own… (She wouldn’t even eat if Smudge wasn’t there with her)
Look at this good new boyyyyy we named him Ducky and he’s a sweetheart.
yay for orev being all calm and understanding, you can see its already working on calming luke down….my condolences on your cat, you definitely did the right thing – yes, its incredibly hard, but sometimes you have to let them go and not use whatever modern science+medicine comes up with to prolong things….my frieda reached the biblical age of 24(!), but then her kidneys just stopped working *sniff*
Aw sorry to hear about your loss too :( death is hard, though getting the new cat helped. Thanks for the condolences c:
So I assume that Hugh and Orev sound different but I don’t think it has been explicitly stated that Spirits have unmistakably in-human-ish voices.
Because in the last two panels I imagine Hugh took control again and is just imitating Orev.
Nah that’s still Orev.
Spirits will have the same voice (maybe different inflections though) the speech balloon change is just to help out the reader.
Soooome day I’ll find a way to explain that in the comic. Might involve a phone call.
Have we ever seen the masks in color, or is it possible they have ridiculous color schemes?
The demon & angel masks? They’re just gray, like the images used for the comment section.