176: There was an embarrassingly long period of time where I thought different breeds of dogs were entirely separate species
Please take a minute to vote for Roomie over on TopWebcomics, where you can now view the storyboards I drew as the first draft of Chapter 3!
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So the cat’s basically out of the bag at this point, and all the [REDACTED] comments have been really amusing, so I drew a little foreshadow-rific pic to hype up his proper introduction.
Also he’s kind of my favorite character in the whole comic so any excuse to draw him is fine by me. (This is where you go “but he looks exactly like Luke so why is drawing him special” and I don’t really have a good answer to that)
(This is also where you go “if he’s your favorite character why did he take three chapters to introduce” and I DO have an answer to that. He and Luke just weren’t interesting enough to build a plot around *shrug*)
so hugh is a dog person….while i sure wouldn´t mind cuddling with puppies, i´d prefer cats. less slobbering, more purring ;-)
Don’t worry I’m the same way. Dogs are great but if I had to choose what I’d keep as a pet, I’d say cats.
Good call on including Mary from the start. The classic comedy duo is the wacky one and the straight man. Having Hugh and Luke would be boring with no Mary would be boring. .
Who wants a comic about two straight men?
Thanks though. Mary also makes a good audience stand in to learn about the magic system.
You redacted the eyes?
What are you hiding Micah?
~~We’ll know in 9 pages, won’t we~~
~~also I really hope that my attempt at crossing out that last part worked cause otherwise it’s gonna look really weird~~
Lol there’s literally nothing to hide that’s the joke XD
Crossing out didn’t work, sorry *pat pat*
This comic makes me sad, because I am not currently holding puppies.
I’m right there with ya
DOGSSSSSS! DOGS! DOGS! DOGS! DOGS! Sorry I really love dogs. And those are such adorable puppies!
You and Hugh would get along X’D