Please take a minute to vote for Roomie over on TopWebcomics, where you can now view the storyboards I drew as the first draft of Chapter 3!

Check out my Patreon to support the comic. Q&As are answered monthly, feel free to leave questions in the comments that start with “Patreon question” or something similar, and they’ll be answered with original comics! Thanks!

My new apartment in Minneapolis is so hot omg

Also, I’ve started hiking up the intensity of the smudges around Hugh and Luke a bit because I’m pretty sure everyone’s noticed. Which is fine, by the time Chapter 4 rolls around it’s actually pretty important that you’ve noticed it.

Speaking of figuring things out, I’m sure a lot of you have also figured out what the smudge around Luke means (but I’m staying quiet about it until *checks notes* page 180). Now the next task is to decipher the meaning of the page titles! (which will be answered on page 183)