Archive for samur

102 results.

319: The hours of folly are measur’d by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure.

320: He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star.

321: The weak in courage is strong in cunning.

322: Truth can never be told so as to be understood, and not be believ’d.

323: If others had not been foolish, we should be so.

324: Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you.

325: The thankful reciever bears a plentiful harvest.

326: When thou seest an Eagle, thou seest a portion of Genius, lift up thy head!

331: The cut worm forgives the plow.

332: Damn, braces: Bless relaxes.

333: Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead.

334: A dead body, revenges not injuries.