Archive for hugh

304 results.

416: Religion is an endeavour to reconcile the two.

417: Note. Jesus Christ did not wish to unit but to seperate them, as in the Parable of sheep and goats!

418: & he says I came not to send Peace but a Sword.

419: Messiah or Satan or Tempter was formerly thought to be one of the Antediluvians who are our Energies.

427: thro’ the mill we went, and came to a cave, down the winding cavern we groped our tedious way till a void boundless as a nether sky appear’d beneath us,

428: & we held by the roots of trees and hung over this immensity, but I said,

429: if you please we will commit ourselves to this void, and see whether providence is here also, if you will not, I will?

430: but he answer’d, do not presume O young-man but as we here remain behold thy lot which will soon appear when the darkness passes away.

431: So I remain’d with him sitting in the twisted root of an oak;

432: he was suspended in a fungus, which hung with the head downward into the deep.

433: By degrees we beheld the infinite Abyss, fiery as the smoke of a burning city;

434: beneath us at an immense distance was the sun, black but shining;