Updates are on semi-hiatus, visit this post for more scheduling information.

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So I did a hard think about this comic versus all of my other projects. And I hate to do that thing that all webcomics seem to do eventually where they go “ahh I’m sick of working on this comic and it’s holding me back from my future projects so I’m putting it on hiatus!” But I’m kind of sick of working on this comic and it’s holding me back from my future projects so I’m putting it on hiatus.

OK I said that for the joke. I’m actually not sick of working on it at all, BUT the holding me back part is true. I’ve decided the compromise is to just not worry about meeting an update schedule and work on it at my own pace, which seems to be sporadic bursts of like 3 pages a week and then nothing for two weeks, which will hopefully average out to one page per week which is how things have been anyway.

But like, honestly, we’ve been at this comic for years and it never turned into a full time job so I’m kind of sick of treating it like a full time job. I’ll just update whenever the hell I want now okay.