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I think I finally have the spoons to start working on the Kickstarter for this… Wait, is that what I said last time, too?
Ring Ring
Me: Hey dude, you free to hang out?
Female friend: Can’t. Got work. What you going to do with your weekend?
Me: I dunno. Maybe some BL, maybe some…
FF: (Hear an almost literal spit take) WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Me: huh.
FF: Um, (fake cough), um, yea.
Me: What, you don’t like Borderlands on Xbox?
FF: ……….ok……………now there we go
Me: What the heck just happened.
FF: ……nothing.
Me: What, does BL mean something?
FF:NopeOKBye (hangs up)
One internet search later
Me: I knew acronyms would mess me up one day.
But yea, Mary has wisdom. Ancient, dark, forbidden and lost wisdom. Like PC-98 wisdom.
Um… You know BL doesn’t just have to be hentai, right? XD
There are plenty of overlaps with three letter acronyms (also known as TLAs). With two letters? Almost guaranteed.
Well Mary knows all about shading and rendering in BL comics/VNs!