180: Luke says I should tell him the reason why I hate demons so much.
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WoW wHaT a SuRpRiSe ThAt NoBoDy SaW cOmInG!!!!!
oh my, so many implications in this statement! first, is it only luke´s angel that hates demons as in not ALL angels automatically hate demons? which would make the yet nameless angel an a#hole, because we know that orev isn´t a bad guy….also, how do mark+luke feel about their inner roomies screwing with their love lifes? and i´d really like to know what those two were silently saying to each other and their hosts during the not-date….
last but not least, i can SO see mary march up to luke and start yelling at his angel for being a prejudiced prick ;-)
I’m just gonna… Screenshot this comment for like five Patreon bonus comics XD
I’m really glad I got you speculating though! And most of these questions should be answered one way or another. (Although there’s no plans for Mary to yell at Luke’s angel but that’s mostly because Luke just decides to ignore him and hang with Hugh anyway. Which is great because then other things happen and… Well you’ll find out)
Something tells me this is gonna get funny. Shall I go make popcorn?
Oh yes, grab the popcorn and get comfortable.
So Luke can ignore his angel talking.
Hugh: now if only I could do that with Mary
Mary: Hey now
Or is Angle just super nice. Also maybe Luke can ignore possession.
Aw poor Mary!
Can Luke ignore possession? Let’s just say we’ll find out later in the chapter.
considering that its a willing possession, i´d say luke can do more then just ignore him, he should – at least theoretically – be able to ask his angel to vamose if he gives him too much trouble
Theoretically, but that assumes vamoosing is that easy or safe ;)
“that easy or safe” wait it’s not safe to leave your host??? That’s concerning, to say the least.
Well, why do you think angels and demons need a host in the first place?
(don’t worry this’ll all be addressed for reals later in the comic)
They all just really secretly want to get with the guy at the end of the second chapter?
Luke: so why do you hate demons so much? Even I don’t know.
Nameless Angel: Its because demons killed Jesus.
Luke: no way, you knew Jesus!?!
Angel: totally
Orev: He knew a Jesus
Angel: dude!
Orev: The guy who ran the taco cart down on 6th street.
Angel: Seriously.
Orev: A demon dropped a giant piñata on him because his tacos weren’t spicy enough.
OMG this is actually more accurate to the real reason than Angel knowing Jesus Christ.
sorry :(
At least it means that you foreshadowed?
Darn it forum! That was meant to stay as : and (!!!!
Hahahah no worries.
Actually lemme see if there’s a way to turn emoticons off site-wide. Nobody really likes those things anyway
I blame the fact that they are small and thus hard to see/tell apart
Actually, while you’re looking, does it say what formatting standards this forum supports?
Not much, because it’s not really a forum, it’s WordPress :/
It looks like some themes support some html so I guess we’ll know if it works if this comment has any formatting
*clap clap clap* It worked!
(I don’t actually mind the spoiler-by-theorizing, it’s fun to watch you guys get things right! )