Sum of all elements based on prices above. (shading with no color counts as a "sketch") Small decorations are free.
Pixel Art and animation
50x50: $30 100x200: $40 200x200: $50 Other/Animation: Ask for quote
Ref Sheet
Sum of elements priced above plus 25% designing fee Will send you regular WIPs and make changes as needed. Partial payment until design is completed is okay.
Prices are approximate, quote will be provided after initial sketch(es). Simple shots/angles will lower price, complex characters/environments will raise price.
Per-page rate varies by size of project, price increases for larger projects (to accommodate the increasing strain on my attention span).
Prices are for print-ready, royalty free final artwork. Color/rendering/style has no bearing on price.
I don't have personal assistants or colorists. I do every stage of the process myself.
Client will own copyright for all artwork, and copyright for unique characters created for the project. I'm known for cameoing my own characters - I will retain those copyrights.
Prices are flexible, negotiating royalties and resell rights for the final book would reduce price.
For mobile/infinite-scroll episodes, categories are per-panel x 3: (1-150, 150-300, 300-600, and 600+), and price per panel is divided by three.
For very short projects (under 20 pages) I can also charge by the hour at $20/hour.
1-50 pages
per page
50-100 pages
per page
100-200 pages
per page
200+ pages
per page
Thank you for your interest in buying a commission from me!